Secure Savings, High Liquidity
Combine the benefits of a checking account with the earning potential of a savings account.
You’ll earn interest similar to a high-yield savings account, helping your money grow. Plus, you can still access your funds easily – write checks or use your debit card just like you would with a checking account. Full access and high interest? That's a smart and flexible savings choice!
Your money is protected up to the federal limit, so there's no risk involved with growing your funds this way.
Earn interest rates similar to a high-yield savings account.
Write checks just like you would with a checking account.
Use your debit card for everyday transactions.
Use your Midland debit card at over 55,000 fee-free Allpoint ATMs.
Link your Midland Money Market Account to your Midland checking account and protect against overdrafts.
Money Market Account | Certificate of Deposit | Savings Account | |
Interest Rate | Moderate to High | High | Lower |
Opening Deposit | $2,500 | $500 | $50 |
ATM Access | |||
Check Writing | |||
Early Withdrawal Penalty | |||
FDIC Insurance | |||
Additional Benefits | Check Writing and debit card | Guaranteed rate and return | Simple and easy to use |
Interest Rate | Moderate to High |
Opening Deposit | $2,500 |
ATM Access | |
Check Writing | |
Early Withdrawal Penalty | |
FDIC Insurance | |
Additional Benefits | Check Writing and debit card |
Interest Rate | High |
Opening Deposit | $500 |
ATM Access | |
Check Writing | |
Early Withdrawal Penalty | |
FDIC Insurance | |
Additional Benefits | Guaranteed rate and return |
Interest Rate | Lower |
Opening Deposit | $50 |
ATM Access | |
Check Writing | |
Early Withdrawal Penalty | |
FDIC Insurance | |
Additional Benefits | Simple and easy to use |
I love the online access and use it and the app often.Jack, Customer for 16 Years
The tellers are all so friendly and the service is very personal. They suggested I think about a Money Market Account and were clear in their explanation. They were not pushy, but answered my questions, and then let me mull it over and take my time. I am so glad they did, and opening the money market account was very simple. But, I think the main thing is I feel they know me as a person and help me when I get confused.Deborah, Customer for 14 Years
There are exceptional people working at Midland States Bank. They are always friendly and helpful whenever I encounter them. Always ready and willing to solve any problem I may need help with.Linda, Customer for 30 Years
Our team of dedicated professionals are here to support you.
*Knock your monthly service charge down to $0 when you maintain a daily balance of $2,500. Otherwise, $15.
Money Markets are paid with interest beginning to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of the noncash items (for example, checks.) Minimum balance to open a Money Market Account is $2,500 and the the minimum daily balance to earn interest is $0.01. Fees could reduce earnings. Your interest rate may change at any time and without notice.